Half a loaf of bread is better than none.
Haste makes waste.
Laugh and the the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone.
Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
Live and let live.
Latin - Mucius the Left-Handed, 8.3 The Case of the Predicate Nominative, 8.4 The Linking Verb at the End of the Sentence.
Math 5 - (103/170) comparing decimals, picture graphs, bar graphs, introduction to ratios
English 5 - (14/119) introduction to paragraphs; compound subjects, predicates, and sentences.
Spelling - finished review lesson 10.
Geography - Iran. Memoria Press lesson and Exploring Countries: Iran.
World History - reading The Egyptology Handbook.
American History - A History of US: The First Americans. Cortes and the defeat of the Aztecs, Ponce de Leon, Pizarro and the Incas, small pox and Native Americans, Esteban and Cabeza de Vaca. It is getting harder to keep track of all the explorers and conquistadors!
Classical Studies - We've been using the Roman history included in Lively Latin since much of it seems to come from Famous Men of Rome, but I felt like we weren't learning it as well as we should. I brought out the Memoria Press study guides and started from the beginning - lesson 1 Romulus.
Christian Studies II - Invasion of Canaan, Fall of Jericho
Science - 36 Posture and Exercise, 37 First Aid, 38 review lesson. I learned one important thing this week. 11yo will never work in the medical field! She was very disturbed by the first aid lesson. I'm pretty sure it had to do with her open leg wound this past August.