Wait for it. Here it comes.
That's right. We had a repeat week. I started out with high hopes and the week flopped. Weep!
Two problems? The time change and people "needed" me.
I'm seriously struggling with the conflict between how I want to spend my time and how other people want to spend my time (age old battle). I know that none of this week's interruptions were intentional. I don't see how I would have changed anything, but I feel discouraged when the end result is the same week after week. So discouraged.
Monday - the most productive day.
Tuesday - the day was cut short by an hour-and-a-half because of a last minute baby sitting request. And yes, an hour-and-a-half makes a big difference.
Wednesday -
Thursday - just when we were picking up steam, I had to make an "emergency" trip into town which ate up a couple of hours.
Friday - funeral
Saturday - we did a math and an English lesson
What we accomplished:
Okay - Book of Mormon, CNN, Math Minute
Meh - treadmill, Math Reflex, spelling
Make while the sun shines.
Money burning a hole in your pocket.
On the warpath.
Once in a blue moon.
Latin - more work with vocabulary E and English derivatives, 2nd declension neuter (two word power exercises, lesson 9.1 + video, ex. 9.1).
Math 5 - (114/170) Multiplying whole numbers and fractions or mixed numbers.
English 5 - (24/119) finding the simple subject when a sentence begins with "there is" or "there are", nouns - concrete, abstract, common, proper, singular, plural (proper spelling).
Composition - none
Geography - none
World History - juvenile video on Mesopotamia, finished
The Egyptology Handbook pg. 52-80, gods and goddesses, mummies, burial, after life, brief chronology of Egyptology.
American History - 27 Conquistadors: California to Florida (de Soto) , 28 A Place Called Santa Fe (missions)
Classical Studies - none
Christian Studies II - 2 Joshua and the Hivites; Slaying of Sisera
Science - How Sound Travels
Art - none
Music - none