Wow! Where have the past three months gone?
May was the month of the chickens. I spent a lot of time outside making sure they were okay. They didn't have a regular coop yet, so we were often outside on "cat" duty.
In June my oldest at home finished her finals and then started an intense summer choir. Not only were there daily practices (sometimes two/day), we also spent a lot of time running errands to prepare her for a trip to Greece. I've never been out of the country, so I was pretty stressed about helping her get what she needed for the trip yet not overpacking.
As soon as she left for her trip, I had a couple of weeks to get my youngest two ready for a Pioneer Trek (three days of camping out in the wilderness and reenacting a pioneer trek using handcarts). Luckily, the dresses, bonnets, and aprons my girls made four years ago fit these two. We didn't even need to buy new hiking boots. Everything was handed down. But ... we did have to do more shopping than I expected. They needed sunscreen, new socks (cha-ching $$$), new hand sanitizer, and the list went on.
And here I find myself at the end of July. Though we have one more adventure in August (a family reunion), I feel it is finally safe to start school-lite. Sunday evening I forewarned 12yo and Monday morning we started Math and Latin.
Latin - reviewing what she learned in Lively Latin by going through the first half of Latina Christiana I.
Math - We are watching lessons from the Great Courses "Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics." Also, she restarted Math Reflex.
I seriously hesitated beginning the school year so soon. Our summers are such an important time for 12yo to get outside and make social connections in the neighborhood since it rains so much the rest of the year. But, I was noticing a lot of computer use going on vs. playing with friends. I figured an hour to an hour-and-a-half would be fine. We'll see how it goes.