16 yo - Still homeschooling; still attending early morning seminary.
19 yo - Worked for over a year as a CNA. Now working as a Starbucks barista and expecting her first baby in the summer.
22 yo - Serving a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Colorado Denver South Mission
31 yo - Being a mama to six children ages 10 years to 10 months.
Honestly, every subject has suffered a bit since we dove into the more challenging literature works.
Morning Basket - Finally! After several false starts we are doing it! What made it finally jell? Middle Ages Morning Time Plans. Yes, 16yo is "too old," but ... can I just say what a treat it is to step back from the academic challenge of high school level subjects and be able to simply enjoy poetry, picture study, music appreciation, and art?
Current Events - CNN 10 and Newsademics.
Latin - working in Lively Latin's Big Book 2 lesson 12.
Greek - She finished Elementary Greek: Year 1. I'm not sure I'll have her continue as we've hit a real time crunch.
Math - Prentice Hall Classics Algebra 1. We took another detour (Algebra Survival Guide and workbook) so she still hasn't completed Alg. 1. We are trying to build a firm foundation.
Grammar - Daily Grammar Practice 8.
Spelling - After she finished Phonetic Zoo B, we dropped spelling for the remainder of this school year.
Composition - crickets chirping ...
Literature - The first half of the school year she read elementary fiction books with Medieval settings: Adam of the Road, The Door in the Wall, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, The Adventures of Robin Hood. After the new year we read Beowulf and then Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. We are currently reading The Canterbury Tales. Not sure we'll get to Henry V this year.
Geography - She was reviewing the African continent using maps from Memoria Press and Online Seterra. We are now including map review of Europe every morning during Morning Time.
World History - We are reading about the Middle Ages using: K-12's The Human Odyssey, World History Detective, Famous Men of the Middle Ages, and Dorothy Mills' The Book of the Middle Ages. We are now also watching "The Story of Medieval England: From King Arthur to the Tudor Conquest" from the Great Courses. I LOVE it!
Christian Studies - Early morning seminary (public school schedule 6:45 - 7:35 a.m.) Book of Mormon. I am NOT a morning person. I am exhausted!
Classical Studies - We read The Iliad along with the DVDs and study guide from Memoria Press in the fall. I'm thinking of possibly doing The Odyssey over the summer. We just didn't have time to do Middle Ages literature and The Odyssey both.
Science - Limping through Exploring Creation Through Biology. Love this book but we are swamped and tired.
Art - We have gone through the Core Knowledge art prints for K-3. Since we read the background information from the Teacher Handbooks, we were able to adapt it for an older learner. Combined with what we have found on Kahnacademy, we've also been using the Picture Study Portfolios from Simply Charlotte Mason (Giotto, Botticelli, and Fra Angelico).
Hands-on art? Middle Ages video art lessons from chalkpastel.com
Music - music appreciation is included in the Middle Ages Morning Time plans from Pambarnhill.com .