Monday, June 20, 2011

Decluttering Pain

My girls (9yo and 13yo) want their room back...especially the 13yo.  Their room is so full of books and textbooks that they don't have room for their own things.  Their stuff ends up in the floor.  It gets to the point where you can barely walk into their room.  I'm trying REALLY HARD to dejunk and I just keep walking from room to room unable to let go.

Okay, back into the battle......


  1. This has turned into a monster of a project. We have humidity/mold problems in this house which has been compounded by too much stuff. Some of my books have mildew on them which I didn't see because they had stuff sitting in front of them :( I'm realizing another benefit of simplifying.

  2. Kind of losing steam. I'm to the point where I'm pretty sure of what curriculum I'm keeping. I made a trip to Goodwill yesterday and didn't get rid of nearly as much (general) stuff as I had hoped. But, it is gone!
