I decided to use a plain daily planner this week and I think it helped us get more accomplished. We'll see how it lasts. It seems I need to shake things up occasionally (every two weeks ; ).
Current Events
We spend a lot of time covering current events and I've had to pace myself a bit - two Newsademic articles per day.
I realized that we were still slogging through math when I think 12yo is capable of so much more. I sat down with the math book and seriously thought about which lessons we might be able to skip and which ones could easily be combined. Plus, we are going to try doing math on Saturdays again.
Lessons 62-68. Focus - multiplying and dividing fractions.
Review IV
Lesson 21 - Imperfect Tense
Nearing the end of the book and she is saturated with vocabulary. I've decided to relax a little, since we will surely review these words again.
Classical Studies
I decided to make this day five of Latin studies so it won't be shoved to the back burner each week.
Famous Men of Rome - Camillus
English Grammar
A normal week - four lessons. This week we did an extra lesson because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Lessons 39-43 Action verbs (transitive), indirect objects, outline from a composition, linking verbs and predicate nominatives, linking verbs and predicate adjectives.
I still haven't come up with a plan to fill the spelling void.
We finally started the Memoria Press study guide for The Hobbit! We listened to the first chapter of the audiobook (narrated by Rob Inglis) on Monday and worked in the student book the remainder of the week. In addition to vocabulary, comprehension questions, and discussion questions, we also took detailed notes about the individual dwarves and dwarves and hobbits in general.
Introduction to North Africa
World History
Usborne's Encyclopedia of the Ancient World - repeat pp. 16-23 Mesopotamia, The Birth of Writing, The First City-States, The Royal Tombs of Ur.
K-12's The Human Odyssey - "Passing It On: The Written Word in Ancient Sumer"
Started Gilgamesh the Hero
Review Lesson (6-10)
Slight disappointment that we weren't able to do either of the activities that we tried this week. We weren't able to create enough static electricity (we have major humidity where we live) and we couldn't find a flashlight in the house that used only two batteries. Almost all our flashlights use sets of three batteries. But, we read the lessons anyway.
6 Energy Conversion
7 More on the Law of Conservation
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