Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yep, another one of those areas. In trying to be a nice mom, I haven't required much written work from my children. If we can do a grammar lesson orally, why not? If we can do math mentally, why not? If we can do an assignment on the computer, why not? Unfortunately this has led to handwriting that is at times barely legible.

We started out learning print using Handwriting Without Tears. Honestly, I'm not that wild about HWT's cursive. At this point I don't feel like changing to another program. I think what we need is more practice and practical application. Their handwriting looks beautiful in their workbooks, but it doesn't seem to be transferring over to their everyday handwriting.

The older girls - both are working through Cursive Handwriting. I want them to finish the books so they understand how to connect the letters (ex. tow truck letters). Once the workbooks are finished, I plan to assign memory work or passages from their favorite books for them to copy for a designated amount of time (5-10 mins./day).

7yo - She doesn't know how to write her full name. Anything will be an improvement. The plan is something daily. We have a partially used "Letters & Numbers for Me"(K) and an unsued "My Printing Book" (1st).

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