Saturday, October 10, 2009


We aren't getting to Tapestry of Grace. I believe it is an awesome program, but 14yo dd is struggling to get the basics done each day (Algebra l, First Form Latin, Analytical Grammar, and BJU Biology). I don't know how we can add more to her plate. So, I'm considering going back to LCC (Latin Centered Curriculum) recommendations. Latin, math, and composition. Of course there is more to it than that but if we can get the core subjects done, I'll feel like I've given the girls what they need.

1 comment:

  1. Here I am on your blog. You answered my ??? on the WTMB about the early Americans. I notice you are doing Latin Centered Curriculum. I do too. I use Robinson books for literature choices though. However our schedule looks like the one in the book.

    Only we do literature everyday and all the other subjects once a week. And that is where I am dying. Trying even to do that with all my kids is excruciating!!!
