Friday, August 30, 2013

Great first week!

I am happy!  Sitting here on a Friday night with a smile on my face because we had a productive week.  It went much better than I anticipated.

Yep, there was some battitude the first couple of days, but 11yo gave up when she realized that I was going to persevere.  She still pulled the "I'm so tired!" excuse and I understand that she IS tired.  She's been getting out of bed at 7 a.m. when she is used to 9 a.m.  However, just because you are tired doesn't mean you can slur your speech to the point that your mom can't understand what you're saying.

My goal this year is to have set subjects in the morning:
  • math 
  • spelling 
  • English grammar
  • Latin
  • composition
...and to loop content subjects (ex: history, science, art) in the afternoons.  This week we tried the morning schedule and it worked!  And, we were actually able to fit in a few history and science lessons even with several "end of summer" parties this week.

Dang!  I am so excited for this year.  I might actually get to DO something besides live in my van while chauffeuring kids around.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Playing on the computer so ...

Yes, 11yo has stitches and I made her sit around for several days trying to insure that her wound healed more quickly.  While she was "down" I realized that since we've been home she pretty much plays computer games all morning.  I've been waiting to start school so she could enjoy the beautiful summer weather and yet she was spending much of her time inside.

so...we started school Monday morning.  We have had 1/2 days but still it is school.  Yesterday there was a little battitude.  Today?  there was a lot of badattitude.

Even though we've struggled with her bad attitude and with me feeling like some of the lessons are a bit disjointed, I'm still glad we have started.  It feels right.

Monday, August 19, 2013


11yo wrecked on a scooter today and now has 10 stitches (3 inner, 7 outer) in her shin.  She kept her eyes covered during most of the procedure but mom was leaning forward trying to see what was going on.  Education at its finest. We know that homeschooling is really for the parents.  : )

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just waiting

Twiddling my thumbs here while I try to let 11yo finish out her summer.  Most of the kids in the neighborhood will be starting public school in two-and-a-half weeks.  Her best friend's private school starts a couple of days later. I did do several math lessons with 11yo this week.  Hey, if she's going to play on the computer rather than be outside enjoying summer then I see nothing wrong with doing a math lesson instead.  My goal will be one math lesson a day until the other kids return to school.

Even though I'm a homeschooler at heart I have had fun helping get my oldest granddaughter ready for public school kindergarten.  Her charter school requires uniforms so we had fun shopping for those a few months ago.  Recently her mom and I took her supply list and went shopping.  Decent backpacks (i.e. not gaudy) were pretty limited in her area so when I was in Target yesterday I bought her a different one.  It was inexpensive but then we found the last remaining matching lunch "box."  Eek!  It cost almost as much as the backpack itself.  Even though she is just in kindergarten I've been surprised how the costs have added up.

15yo and I will be heading to the local high school with checkbook in hand Wednesday for freshman registration.  She is technically the age of a sophomore but has decided to go in as a freshman.  I expect that there will be probably $200+ in fees.  My guess is that it would be more if she had decided to participate in a sport.  Regardless, it is going to hurt my pocketbook.