Friday, September 17, 2010

The week from "H" "e" double hockey sticks.

My 15yo attends an early morning religion class at our church every weekday (public school schedule).  In order to get her to class at 6:30am, I have to wake up at 5:30am.  I am NOT a morning person.  My body clock is set for a 1am bedtime and a 9am wake time. Somehow I survived last year and then summer, wonderful summer, arrived.

This was the first full week of class.  Monday I was tired.  Tuesday I was tired and irritable.  Wednesday I was a witch and my face felt like it might slide off my face.  Thursday my joints ached, I thought I was going to die, and I went a step above and beyond being a witch.  Being exhausted you would think I would fall asleep easily.  Not quite.  Every night I would lie down before 9:30pm but I couldn't fall asleep.  Bleh!  Thursday night I was desperate.  I sent the 8yo and 12yo to bed at 8:15pm (they are used to 10pm) and I went to bed too.  It wasn't great sleep, but I do feel somewhat better today.  Did I mention I was also suffering from PMS this week too?

Somehow homeschool went on...barely.  Please tell me next week is going to improve. 

It Could Always Be Worse
Maybe it is time to pull out my favorite picture book and give it another read. 


  1. My oldest just graduated from seminary this past year. I do remember those feelings. The exhaustion. beyond exhaustion... It was really nice when my son started driving himself. Maybe that is something to look forward to. I still have 2 to 3 years before the next one starts. I'm going to enjoy ever moment of it. :)

  2. LOL! My face was sliding off my face. I hope you all understand what I meant.

    Thanks, Dana, for commenting. Enjoy your seminary break.
