Thursday, February 16, 2012

Doing the right thing?

In December I went into panic mode.  Since then 9yo and I have been slaving away trying to prepare her for standardized testing this summer.  We've been doing two levels of math (Rod & Staff Math 2 and 3).  Math 2 focuses on learning the addition facts. DD didn't know them, so that is where we started. When I introduced multiplication to her I decided to add in Math 3 for exposure. 

Two math levels with lots of review has almost been too much.  I began to question my decision.  Why do two math levels when  Rod & Staff is known for review?  Wouldn't it be more efficient to focus on Math 3 and use addition flash cards every day?

I'm sorta shaking in my boots here.  I can't believe I'm even considering this when she is so far behind in math and the test is looming.  I may regret this decision but I'm going to drop Math 2.  If I see she still needs help with the addition math facts, I'll have her do parts of Math 2.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

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